Developments in the Local Structural Plan for the National Water Project

Publishing date: 18/01/2010
ACAP has revealed, through its constant follow-ups on planning decisions made by the various planning committees, that significant progress has been made to approve the local master plan of M.H\244, between Hadira and the Negev.
This plan, which runs through agricultural lands as well as residential, in both towns of Qalanswa and Altyri, ill affect the possibility of using the adjacent land for agricultural purposes.  Furthermore, there is a possibility for issuing demolishing orders against homes that were built without a license in the plan’s area.
Discussions in various planning committees do not take into consideration neither the actual use of the land nor the owner’s needs in both towns.   Also, they completely ignore the need to include the local authorities and the owners in the discussion.
ACAP has sent letters to the municipalities of both Qalanswa and Altyeri informing them regarding the details of the decision.    Furthermore, the protocol of the session in which the decision was made was included in these letters.
Approval on the "Turan Forest" Plan
ACAP has sent a letter to Buiene-Nujidat local council, Albatouf regional council and the public committee of Turan informing them of the progress made towards approving the "Turan forest" plan.
The plan details the uses and the exact borders of forests in the area. It's important to note that some of these areas are within or adjacent to the jurisdictional areas of the towns, which will have major effects on the development of these towns and on the ownership rights.
ACAP has expressed its readiness to provide all the support and professional counseling needed to deal with the situation.
Changes in Jurisdictional Areas in Wadi Aara
Through its continuous monitoring of official announcements made by planning committees and its follow-up on the "Harish" case –which involves establishing a city for Orthodox Jews,  ACAP sent a letter to the municipality of Um-Elfahem and to the local councils of Kufr Qaraa, Aara-A'ra'ra and Basmat, as well as to the public committee for defending the land in Wadi A'ara, informing them about the changes made in the jurisdictional areas in the area which could affect the aforementioned towns.