165 Buildings Owned by Arabs Were Demolished in 2009

Publishing date: 21/01/2010
A study conducted by ACAP reveals that 165 buildings owned by Arab citizens were demolished in 2009 in various regions throughout the country. The study also shows that the majority of these were in unrecognized villages in the Negev, where authorities demolished 134 houses.
Below are some key findings from the study:
Graph No. 1:  Geographical Distribution of the Demolished Houses:

Graph No 2: Types of Buildings that were Demolished in the Center and North of Israel (excluding buildings in the Negev):

House Demolition:
In 2009, 18 houses were demolished in the North and center of the country.  Specifically, the distribution of house demolitions are as follows: 2 houses in Taybi, 3 in Um-Elfahem, 3 in TIri, and one house was demolished in each of the following towns: Almsherfi, Yaffa-Nazareth, Arrabe, Ibtin, Abu Gush, Taybi Alzoaabyi, A'ra'ra, Qalnswa, Kuf Qassim and Musmus.
Five of the house owners demolished their own houses in fear of the demolishing fees imposed by the demolishing authority.
Demolition of Agricultural and Commercial Buildings:
In 2009, 11 agricultural buildings were demolished: 6 in Moa'away, and one in each of the following towns: Um-Elfahem, Almsherfi, Kufr Qara', Kufr Qana and Almishhad, in addition to the repetitive demolishing of the Alsaa'di market in Um-Elfahem, and a restaurant and parking lot in Furedees.
The Demolished Houses were Adjacent to Development Areas:
The study showed that 15 out of the 18 houses were demolished even though they were adjacent to development areas in their towns, which was intended for them according to the regional structural plans TAMAM 2/9 in the North, TAMAM 6 in the Haifa region, and TMAM 3 in the Center region. This indicates that these demolished houses would ultimately receive building permits according to these plans.
ACAP has indicated that the majority of the towns in which houses were demolished suffer from a lack of an approved local master plan, or old master plans that are irrelevant to the nature and future of these towns.
Table No 1 –  Master Plans in Selected Arab Towns:
Town The year of approval on the last structural plan Town Year of approval on the last structural plan
Taybi N/A Um-Elfahem N/A
Tiri 1977 Almisherfi 1985
A'arrabe 1987 Qalnswa N/A
Kuf-Qasim N/A Musmus 1987
It should be noted that the Ministry of Interior has recently started making new master plans for some of the Arab towns, including Taybi, Tiri, Qalnswa, Almsherfi, Musmus, Taybi Alzoa'byi and Yaffa-Nazareth.  However, these plans have many problems most importantly that they do not meet the housing needs of the people.
ACAP has assured that it will provide help in this matter, and raise the issue and need Master plans as a priority among various planning committees.