The 5th Electronic Newsletter

Publishing date: 13/01/2010

Opening Remarks


ACAP is pleased to present you the fifth issue of our electronic newsletter which details the professional work of ACAP during past periods.
In this issue, we will present some of ACAP's most important activities in recent months, which give the reader a general idea on the center's work. Hopefully, this issue would contribute to the bonding between the ACAP's work and the broad audience.

  Watchdog Activities
Developments in the Local Structural Plan for the National Water Project
ACAP meets with the head of the policy planning department in the prime minister's office
Regional Planning and Building Committee Rejects Plan to Expand Boundaries of the Arab Town Mag’d Al-Kroom

Government Planning to Propose Reforms in the Planning and Building Law

Conferences and Study Days

ACAP Implements an Extensive Study Regarding Legal Updates in Issue of Land Confiscation

Research and Publications

ACAP’s Position on the Expansion of Harish’s Planning Area

Unrecognized Villages

A new military base will be built on top of the unrecognized village of Almakymen in the Negev

Flash presentation on unrecognized Arab villages in the Negev