Beit Schatz

Publishing date: 21/11/2023

* The project is located on figure #11.

Armon Ha-Natsiv promenade.


Elad Settlers’ Association.

Israel Government Tourist Corporation.

Funded by Elad Settlers’ Association, The Ministry of Tourism, the Jerusalem municipality and the Jerusalem Development Authority.

Project Description
“Beit Schatz” was a debilitated building located on the outskirts of Al-Farouk neighborhood in Jabal al-Mukaber, below the UN headquarters in the Government House. The house belonged to the Palestinian family al-Qaq, and was deserted in the aftermath of the Nakba in 1948.
The project turned the building into a visitor center, located at the end of the “Scherover Public Walk”, near the entrance to Jabal al-Mukaber. The building is four stories high and 2,000 m2 in size. The complex is planned to accommodate about 150 visitors per hour.
In order to avoid due planning process, i.e., prepare and deposit a master plan, hear and discuss objections, etc., the municipality allowed the construction of the visitor center as merely “stone cladding” for an existing structure. As it is considered a part of sanitary improvements, which are allowed in the area according to Plan EM/9, the building permit did not require publication, objections, or any public hearing. This was done even though the municipality’s legal advisor opined that it could not be considered “sanitary improvements.”


Approving Entity
Jerusalem Municipality.

The construction has been completed. The visitor center is expected to be open soon.

Picture above by ACAP.

Picture above from: